Friday, September 25, 2015

A Day in the Life...

Dear Friends,

After a day like today, I can't help but feel like I work in what is truly a one of a kind, special place.  I cannot say enough good things about the people I work with (kids and adults).  It's amazing to be able to say that being at work reminds me of how lucky I am.  Click the link below to hear a short clip about our school, which is narrated by Carmel Elementary students.

P.S.  This video was created using Adobe Voice, and inspired by videos made by Mrs. Trammell ( and Mrs. Fossum (

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Mini CEOs

Dear Friends,

Exciting things are happening with our 4th grade Leadership Forum Lunch Group!  Take a look at the pictures below- don't the kids look like little CEOs?!  They are hard at work on something that is a pretty big deal and I just can't wait to see what these little leaders will accomplish in the coming months!  I continue to be inspired and surprised about their ability to get things done!

P.S. These kids are so inspiring!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Dear Friends,

Guilty as charged.  I haven't updated my blog in over a week and that is a big NO-NO in my rule book of blog keeping.  Luckily, I am the author of said rule book and have decided to forgive myself as long as you all will, too.

We are chugging right along here at Carmel Elementary.  So many great things are happening around here...I wish that you all could see the amazing, exciting, and fun learning opportunities that our teachers are creating for our kiddos!  I encourage you to visit one of the following blogs- they are all blogs that belong to a teacher here at CE...if you have a minute, take a peek at one that belongs to a teacher who is NOT your child's teacher.  Wouldn't it be fun to see what's happening out there in the world of CE? :)

P.S. Sometimes I wish I could be a kid again just so I could go to school at Carmel Elementary!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Leadership Lunch

Dear Friends,

Yesterday was a really fun day for me!  We had our first Leadership Forum Lunch Group and it put a perma-smile on my face!  I had a chance to meet two students who are new to Carmel Elementary and learn more about students who have been with us for a year or even four!  We discussed different ideas for leadership opportunities at Carmel Elementary and the most important thing that came out of that is the need for kids to have walkie-talkies at school (I am not making this up!!).  However, eventually the kids came up with some really valid points and suggestions for ways to improve our school and opportunities for our kiddos.  I am so happy to have formed this group and can't wait to meet with them again next week!

P.S. Don't they looks official at the conference room table and in swivel chairs?!